"If we cling only to that which we know, then we'll only know that to which we cling."  

I am a practicing Mormon. Mormon is the moniker given to members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Though I was born into the church, I was not baptized until after I reached the age of eight. In the Mormon Church, members under eight are not baptized. The Church holds that small children are not accountable for their actions and are therefore innocent through the atonement of Christ.

At times throughout my life, I have come face-to-face with the beliefs of the Mormon Church. Each person, regardless of his beliefs, will have to decide if what he believes is true, this is no different for a Mormon. Unlike converts to the Church, I never had to make the decision to join; at eight years of age, I just basically did what my parents asked me to do. Like so many others, however, I struggled with my beliefs and wondered if I could live according to the teachings and principles of the Gospel. I learned very quickly that happiness is found in God and only in Him. C.S. Lewis wrote that, "God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing." I concluded, as a result of minor departures from my beliefs, that if I were to have happiness and joy in my life, I would certainly need to embrace the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If you struggle with your theistic beliefs, I would highly recommend The Varieties of Religious Experiences by William James and Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis. The philosophical and theological arguments made by these brilliant and inspired men will no doubt compel you to make a choice. One simply cannot read such material without confronting one's own eternal destination.

Mormonism claims divine intervention via a Prophet who delivers the will of God to its members. We believe that this prophet is called by God to lead this Church. We also believe that Jesus Christ himself is at the head of this Church, guiding us through revelation. We believe that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is Christ's true church on earth.

Mormonism is not only a wonderful religion, but a great way of life. Adhering to its teachings and principles, a Mormon is more likely to experience overall joy and happiness than could be had otherwise. Non-members often view Mormons as happy, honest, and hard-working; and sometimes view them as peculiar or old-fashioned. The area containing Salt Lake City, Provo, Orem, etc. is commonly referred to as Happy Valley.

Of course not all Mormons are happy, but those who strive to not only live according to its doctrine, but who incorporate it into their everyday lives generally find overall happiness.

Like any other devoutly religious group, there are the zealots who live as though the commandments of God were given that they might identify and persecute those who do not keep them. Though a Mormon individual might do this, the Church does NOT support it. It has been said that those who are persecuted are sometimes wrong, but those who persecute are always wrong. I am reminded of what C.S. Lewis has said on the matter, that a prostitute is never in any real danger of enjoying her life so much that she will not turn to God, but a zealot is (The Problem With Pain, 200).

You may know that many Mormons serve two year missions where they travel to almost every part of the world proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I have written a few words about my own mission which can be read by clicking on the Mission link. It is my personal testimony that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true and that Jesus Christ lives and that He loves each of us and desires that we have joy and happiness.